SQL*Plus is the most
basic Oracle Database utility,
with a basic command-line interface,
commonly used by users, administrators, and programmers.
SQL*Loader is a bulk loader utility used for
moving data from external files into the Oracle database.
SQL*Loader supports various load formats,
selective loading, and multi-table loads.
we can start it from Run > sqlplusw.exe
we can start it from Run > sqlplusw.exe
– read a variable input from the user;
DEFINE – declares a variable (DEF);
DESCRIBE – lists the attributes of the tables or other objects (DESC);
EDIT - opens an editor in which you can change the last command;
EXIT or QUIT – disconnects the user and SQL * Plus session;
GET - searches for a file in SQL and submits SQL buffer;
HOST – running an operating system command (!);
LIST - shows the last command executed SQL buffer (L);
PROMPT - displays a text on the screen;
RUN - lists and runs the command that is saved in the SQL buffer (/);
SAVE – save buffer command into a SQL script file;
SET - change environment variables specific to SQL * Plus;
SHOW - displays the environment variables settings in SQL * Plus;
SPOOL - copies the output of a command to a file;
START – run a SQL script.
DEFINE – declares a variable (DEF);
DESCRIBE – lists the attributes of the tables or other objects (DESC);
EDIT - opens an editor in which you can change the last command;
EXIT or QUIT – disconnects the user and SQL * Plus session;
GET - searches for a file in SQL and submits SQL buffer;
HOST – running an operating system command (!);
LIST - shows the last command executed SQL buffer (L);
PROMPT - displays a text on the screen;
RUN - lists and runs the command that is saved in the SQL buffer (/);
SAVE – save buffer command into a SQL script file;
SET - change environment variables specific to SQL * Plus;
SHOW - displays the environment variables settings in SQL * Plus;
SPOOL - copies the output of a command to a file;
START – run a SQL script.
RECSEP {WR [APPED] | SHE [CH] | OFF} controls the print record delimiters. The
three possible values have the following meanings:
WRAPPED prints a separator after each line of a record (even if it spans multiple lines);
EACH doing the same thing, but only at the end of a record;
OFF cancels print a separator.
- SET RECSEPCHAR {_ | c} sets the character that separates the records;
- SPACE {1 | n} sets the number of spaces between the columns.
- SET WRA [P] {OFF | ON} specifies how to display records (truncated or on a line).
- SET NULL text specifies the text displayed in place of NULL value.
- HEADS [EP] {| | c | OFF | ON} specifies the characters that separate the column names of records.
- SET UND [ERLINE] {_ | c | OFF | ON the specific character used} for underlining the names of the columns.
- SET NEWP [AGE] {1 | n | NONE} sets the number of blank lines left at top of every page.
- SET TERM [OUT] {OFF | ON the display of output controls –} generated commands executed from a script.
- SET PAGES [IZE] {24 | n} specifies the number of lines displayed per page (default is 24; may be set to a value of 0 to suppress the display of column names, the title of a report).
- SET FEED [BACK] {6 | n | OFF | ON the display number} controls the record supplied as a result of a SELECT command.
- ECHO {OFF | – Controls the display ON} commands from a script launched with the START command SQL, as they are executed.
The SPOOL command allows saving the results of a query to a file specified as a parameter. She has the following syntax:
WRAPPED prints a separator after each line of a record (even if it spans multiple lines);
EACH doing the same thing, but only at the end of a record;
OFF cancels print a separator.
- SET RECSEPCHAR {_ | c} sets the character that separates the records;
- SPACE {1 | n} sets the number of spaces between the columns.
- SET WRA [P] {OFF | ON} specifies how to display records (truncated or on a line).
- SET NULL text specifies the text displayed in place of NULL value.
- HEADS [EP] {| | c | OFF | ON} specifies the characters that separate the column names of records.
- SET UND [ERLINE] {_ | c | OFF | ON the specific character used} for underlining the names of the columns.
- SET NEWP [AGE] {1 | n | NONE} sets the number of blank lines left at top of every page.
- SET TERM [OUT] {OFF | ON the display of output controls –} generated commands executed from a script.
- SET PAGES [IZE] {24 | n} specifies the number of lines displayed per page (default is 24; may be set to a value of 0 to suppress the display of column names, the title of a report).
- SET FEED [BACK] {6 | n | OFF | ON the display number} controls the record supplied as a result of a SELECT command.
- ECHO {OFF | – Controls the display ON} commands from a script launched with the START command SQL, as they are executed.
The SPOOL command allows saving the results of a query to a file specified as a parameter. She has the following syntax:
For more examples
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